You’ve lost your joy
You feel overwhelmed and burnt out
You keep trying, but you seem stuck
You feel lost after your loved one passed
Your relationship is struggling
You feel uncertain in life transition
Your trauma keeps haunting you
You don’t know who to turn to

It doesn’t have to be this way.
There is life and joy,
peace and fulfillment for you.


Here at Rooted Restoration we believe that even the greatest challenges in life can be overcome and the deepest wounds healed, becoming sources of strength, growth, and beauty. We’re here to walk with you on that journey.


  • Individual | Family | Group
    Your therapy experience is tailored to your unique personality, needs, and culture.

    Virtual: Pennsylvania and Florida residents only.

  • Personal Development | Career | Family | Transition | Relationship

    This is for you if you are looking for support in identifying and working toward specific goals in a particular area, within a determined timeframe.

    Virtual: Worldwide

  • Mindfulness | Grief and Loss
    Self-Care | Relationships

    Therapeutic Arts | Trauma

    We will explore these topics and more through therapeutic experiences for your staff, employees, or any group that may be seeking to improve mental wellness.

    Virtual: Worldwide
    In-person: Contact for specifics

    *A complete list and description of therapeutic experiences available upon request.

Offered in English & Spanish

Laurie Amado, the Founder of Rooted Restoration, is a Licensed Professional Counselor, with a Master’s Degree in Clinical Counseling; Concentration in Trauma. She comes with a background of over twenty years of experience in non-profit community work in Chicago, Baltimore, Miami and Philadelphia, as well as internationally, in Uganda.  

Her passion is to support individuals and families on their journey of healing and pursuing a life in which they are thriving. 


  • Laurie founded Rooted Restoration with a desire to offer therapy that is affordable, accessible, and culturally relevant. As such, it is not bound to one modality, but uses an eclectic model that takes into account the individual person and needs.

“Until you heal the root of a problem, the pain will not go away. You can hide from it, but the problem stays until you dig deep.”

Leon Brown

When you pursue healing and growth,
it’s not only a way to love yourself,
but also a way to love the people
you care about,
impacting generations to come.

Laurie Amado


Fill out the information below and we will reach out to you to schedule a free exploration call, to see how we can support you.